The Dudes X Lonely Island - Dudes Factory

The Dudes X Lonely Island

A remote collab with the Lonely boys @thelonelyisland and @dudesfactory Read how a visit turns into a talk, turns into some brews, turns into a collab.

A remote collab with the Lonely boys @thelonelyisland and @dudesfactory

colonel bourbon title

Last year, a cool dude with a chill vibe walked into our shop

We chat about this and that, and it turns out he’s a musician.

-“cool, what’s your band?”

“Lonely Island”

“vaguely rings a bell; what’s your most well-known song?”

“I’m on a boat.”

“huh, I know a song called that, but I doubt it’s yours”
“this is what I’m thinking of”

"yep, that’s the one.”

"no way" (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Brews were sunk, and amusing stories were exchanged, amongst which was his favourite scene of his legendary 2007 movie “Hot Rod”.

This cartoonish scene is a fight to the death between a taco and a grilled cheese sandwich.

Jorma Taccone in front of a fence
The street style battle royal is dominated, with all the pizzazz of a WWE wrestler, by the taco who finishes off Sir Grilled-Cheese Sandwich with a devastating blow of a folding chair.

Fast forward to 2021 and Jorma was finding this scene to be an unfair fight so the time had come to illustrate a violent revenge.

colonel bourbon l cheese slashing a taco

Lonely Island and The Dudes proudly present “Colonel Bourbon”, an ode to the awe-inspiring charisma of Sir Grilled-Cheese Sandwich named by the Lonely Island's buddies from Berkeley, California, in the form of a tee and hoody of top-notch quality to ensure this honourable victory lasts forever.

Not forever, forever, but it will probably longer than you. We made them extra strong, like the Colonel.
